06 April 2008

Conference Weekend

Oh, how I love this time of year! It has been Conference Weekend and I was blessed to be able to watch 3 of the 4 general sessions. While I missed seeing and hearing from Pres. Hinklely, I know that Pres. Monson is fulfilling the calling that the Lord has been preparing him for throughout his life. What wonderful talks were given and sound advise to all. I saw Mary Ellen several times when the Choir was singing and on The Spoken Word, which preceeded this mornings session.

While watching Congerence this morning I decided to get some yarn and knitting needles out. I started a pair of socks. They're black, grey, red, and white. Addie came to visit this evening and pulled some yarn out of my scrap box. It was some left over yarn from some previous project, pink, orange, turquoise, green, and yellow verigated. She asked if I would knit her some socks from the yarn. I told her that there wasn't enough yarn to knit some socks for her but that there might be enough to knit her some slippers. She was ok with that so I made her a pair of slippers. I used the pattern that my mom taught my Brownie Troop forever ago. Amazing I can still remember the pattern.

Spring is here even tho' we might get snow tomorrow morning (forcast says that it might get up into the high 60's by next weekend). My tulips are doing great. No flowers yet, but they're getting bigger. The roses are starting to send out new shoots and the weeds are starting to rear their unwanted heads. I hope to get a few more blueberries this year. I only got half a dozen last year, but that was from a first year bear root plant. Also hope that there will be some boysenberries this year too.

I was supposed to be off tomorrow, but told one of the people I work with that I would work part of her shift (12-17). A short shift to be sure, but tomorrow is the first day that the restructuring of our department goes into action. It will be interesting to see how things go. Monday's usually start out slow but by 1700 are getting really busy and continue to get busier as the night goes on. I'm glad I'll be off at 1700.

As I close this entry, I am remembering that today in the closing session of Conference that Pres. Monson asked us to pray for him and said that he would be praying for us. What a wonderful blessing to have the opportunity to pray for our prophet and, in turn, have him pray for us. We are truly a blessed people.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Karen

Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I'm happy to say that you are the winner of my Shadow Applique Give-away. If you'll send me your address to lovelace @ mtaonline.net (take out space), I'll get it shipped off to you. :)


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