27 April 2008

A New Week

Well, where to start...Leslie, Gina and I went to the Corn Wagon in Springville on Friday. We all got some goodies. You might question my need for more fabric...do I need more...heck no, but I'll never have enough. I got some civil war repros so I can get started on my Dear Jane Quilt. This is a quilt made by a woman, named Jane, that lived during Civil War times. She worked on a quilt during the war to help pass the time. There are 255 blocks in the quilt, so this one is going to be a long time in the making. My delema at present is...do I make the whole quilt by hand or do I use the machine? If I choose to do it by hand, then I will want to hand quilt it, which will extend my finish date by months, maybe even a year or more. If I do it by machine it's still going to take a long time. I think I'm leaning toward handmade on this one. I think it would be more appropriate for the design, fabrics (all 100% cotton-that's all that was available then), and time in history. If I ever figure out how to get pics on my blog then I'll be sharing my progress with you, not only in word, but visually as well.

I decided, at the beginning of the year, that I was going to do mostly, if not all, handmade gifts for Christmas this year. Well, projects abound. I have several going all the time, but what self -respecting crafter wouldn't have more than one project going at the same time? That's why the term "wip" was invented. For those of you who don't know...wip stands for work in progress--what else.

Can't remember my work schedule for the week, at present, but I don't think I have any days off during the week, so that would mean that I don't have a day off until next Sunday. RATS!! Less time to craft. I keep promising myself that I'm not going to pick up any extra shifts, but somehow the extras always seem to show up on my schedule. Oh well, I'm very grateful that I have not only 1 job, but 2.

I hope that you all have a GREAT week filled with tonz o fun!

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Hi Karen

Thank you for stopping by my blog and tutorial! I came to have a look at yours, and what's the first thing I see but a post about going to Corn Wagon. I LOVE that place! You are probably wondering why someone in NH loves Corn Wagon? I used to live in UT, in SLC, and my MIL lives in American Fork - she's a quilter too, Carmen Martinez. Anyway, the kids and I are coming back for the Summer and Corn Wagon is on my must-do list :)

Thanks for reminding me!!