12 October 2007

Home Again Home Again...

Seems unbelieveable, but I've been back almost a week...Where does the time go??? I had a really great time in MN. Bryson really took off with his crawling while I was there. I suppose he'll be trying to walk by the time Kimmie, et all, are her for Thanksgiving. I got to take Kelsey to dance the Saturday that I was there. It was fun to watch a class full of 3-4 year olds do ballet and tap. Kimmie and I did some sewing while I was there. I got 2 quilts made, one for each of the kids and Kimmie has started on one for a friend who's expecting a baby boy soon.

Dave, Gina, and kids picked me up Sat. morning. It snowed while I was gone. I knew that I was going to have to get the tulip bulbs in the ground as soon as I got home if I wanted to have a chance of having tulips in the Spring. I got about 2/3's of them planted before it started to rain hard enough that I had to go inside.

Leslie and Phill came over and I got to meet my new little grandson. Kendrick is such a little man, but I did have to have a little sit-dow chat with him and let him know that we don't wail 'til Grammy Mac leaves and then show up early. He had his 2 week check up yesterday and he's now over 6#s and has grown 1/2". He's got more hair than several of the adults that I work with and he certainly favors his daddy's side of the family. I think he looks most like his Uncle Vince, but with darker hair.

Been working a lot since I got home...what else is new. Put in 56 hours so far this week and have another 14 to do tomorrow. Thank goodness for Sunday--my one whole day off.

Hope that all are well and enjoying life.

TFTD (thought for the day): Falling leaves are just Summer wave good-by.


Unknown said...

so when will you be makin a track out west to see ur oldest kids & grandkids??? juuuust askin! ;)

Steven and Cristina said...

HI! It was great to hear from you. How have you been? Things are well with us. Our family is growing as you can see. I have been in school and working... life as usual. Again, it was great to hear from you! Let's keep in touch!